TU  NOMBRE   (Quisiera  Decir)


Choreographed by;     Olga & Bill Cibula, 5296 Prince of Wales, Montreal, Que. Canada, H4V 2N1

                                    Telephone (514) 487-6261     email montrealmm@videotron.ca            

Dance;                                    Phase V+2  Rumba (Rope Spin & Circular Hip Twist)              Released: June 2004.

Music Recording;        Title From CD EMILatin ‘Solo Lo Mejor 20 Exitos’ by Jose Luis Perales

CD or MD Available from choreographer                                     

Footwork;                    Opposite - Directions for Man (Lady’s noted in parenthesis)         Version 1.1

Sequence;                   Intro  A   B   A   B   Ending


MEAS.                         INTRO

1  -  6   WAIT  String of Notes;   Slowly  RAISE  ARMS; 


1          In Shadow Pos Fcg Wall, Arms down at sides, both L Feet Free, Wait string of notes, - , - , - ;

2                    [Raise Arms] Slowly Raise Arms to shoulder level, - , - , - ;

3                    [Fenceline] XLIF of R lunge thru w/bent knee looking RLOD, Rec R, Sd L, - ;

4                    [Hip Rocks 3]  Rk Sd R rolling hip side & back, Rk Sd L rolling hip side & back, Rk Sd R rolling hip side & back, - ;

5                    [Fenceline] Repeat Measure 3 of Intro.

6           [Cross & Unwind both fce COH]  XRIF of L trng LF ½ in plc, - , chg wgt to L ft unwinding in plc to fce S S          COH, - ;

7 - 10   FENCELINE;   HIP  RKS  3;   FENCELINE (Man Tch);   SPOT  TRN  to  FCE  in  Handshake; 

7                    [Fenceline] XRIF of L lunge thru w/bent knee looking RLOD, Rec L, Sd R, -;

8                    [Hip Rocks 3]  Rk Sd L rolling hip side & back, Rk Sd R rolling hip side & back, Rk Sd L rolling hip side & back, - ;

9                    [Fenceline Man Tch] XRIF of L lunge thru w/bent knee looking RLOD, Rec L, Tch R (Lady Sd R), - ;

10                [Spot Trn to Fce] XRIF of L trng ½ LF (Lady XLIF of R trng ½ RF), Rec L cont trng LF (Lady cont. trng RF Rec R), Sd R (Lady Sd L), - to end fcg ptr in right handshake;


                        PART   A

1  - 4    OPEN  CONTRA  CHECK  &  REC;   OP  HIP  TWIST to  FCG  FAN;;   BEG  CURV  WK  6 (Lady Backs Up)  CHG  HNDS; 

1           [Open Contra Check & Rec] Commence upper body trn to left flexing knees w/ strong right side lead     S S          Check  Fwd L in Open CMPB (Lady looking well to left Bk R), - , Rec R, - ;

2                    [Open Hip Twist] Ck Fwd L w/pressure into floor (Lady Bk R), Rec R (Lady Rec L), Cl L (Lady Fwd R toward ptr w/tension in R arm causing swivel ¼ RF on R), - ;

3                    [to Fcg Fan] Bk R, Rec L trng ¼ to fce LOD (Lady Sd & Bk R trng ¼ LF), Sd R (Lady Bk L), - ;

4        [Begin Curving Walk 6, Lady backs up] Fwd L, Fwd R, Fwd L, - chg hnds to lead hnd hold;

5  -  8   FIN  CURV  WK  6;   SHOULDER  TO  SHOULDER  in  4;   NEW  YORKER;   NEW  YORKER in 4;

5                    [Finish Curving Walk 6, Lady backs up] Fwd R comm trn RF twd Wall,  Fwd L cont trn, Fwd R to fce Wall & ptr, - ;

6              [Shoulder to Shoulder in 4] Rk Fwd L to Bfly SCAR, Rec R to fce ptr, Sd L, Rec R cont. fcg ptr & Wall

QQQQ     preparing sufficient space between ptr for New Yorker;

7                    [New Yorker] Release lead hnds Step Thru L towards RLOD w/straight leg to side-by-side pos bringing trailing hnds thru waist level raising lead arms up & out, Rec R to fce ptr, Sd L, - ,

8              [New Yorker in 4] Release lead hnds Step Thru R w/straight leg to side-by-side pos bringing trailing 

QQQQ            hnds thru waist level raising lead arms up & out, Rec L to fce ptr, Sd R, Rec L releasing hnd hold;

9 - 13   SPOT  TRN;   ALEMANA  w/ ROPE  SPIN;;;; 

9        [Spot Trn] Repeat Measure 7 of Part A.

10                 - 11  [Alemana w/Rope Spin] Fwd L, Rec R, Cl L raising lead hnds leading Lady to trn RF (Lady Sd R comm RF swivel), - ; Bk R (Lady cont. RF trn under joined lead hnds Fwd L w/spiral RF), Rec L (Lady cont. RF trn Fwd R), Cl R (Lady Fwd L w/spiral RF towards Man’s R side), - ;

12 - 13 [Rope Spin] Sd L (Lady Fwd R stepping around Man), Rec R (Lady Fwd L cont. around Man), Cl L

             (Lady Fwd R cont. around Man), - ; Sd R (Lady Fwd cont. L around Man), Rec L (Lady Fwd R cont. around Man), Cl R (Lady Fwd & Sd L to fce ptr), - ;



TU  NOMBRE (Quisiera Decir)                                                                                     Page 2 of 2



14 - 16 LEFT  PASS  RUN  to  FAN;   HOCKEY  STICK  push off to HANDSHAKE;;

14              [Left Pass Run to Fan] Slow Sd L (Lady raise trailing arm trng RF ¼ slow Fwd R), - , Rk Sd R

SQ&Q     rolling hip (Lady Fwd L) / Rk Sd L rolling hip (Lady Fwd R trn ½ LF lowering trailing arm), Rk Sd R

                (Lady Bk L); 

15                - 16 [Hockey Stick Push Off to Handshake] Fwd L (Lady Cl R), Rec R (Lady Fwd L), Cl L (Lady Fwd R placing R hnd on Man’s chest glancing at ptr), - ; Bk R (Lady Fwd L pushes off Man’s chest), Rec L (Lady Fwd R trng LF to fce ptr), Fwd R following Lady (Lady Sd & Bk L), - end in Handshake R hnds;



                        PART   B

1  - 4    START  a  FLIRT  for  SWEETHEARTS  2X;;;   SPOT  TRN  to  FCE  in BFLY; 

1          [Start a Flirt] Fwd L, Rec R (Lady Fwd L), Sd L release hnd hold to shadow (Lady Fwd R trng LF to

shadow in front of Man), - ;

2  - 3    [Sweetheart twice] Ck Fwd R w/right side lead in a contra ck action, Rec L straightening body, Sd R (Lady Sd L crossing in front of Man to be on his left), - ; Ck Fwd L w/left side lead in a contra ck action, Rec R straightening body, Sd L (Lady Sd R crossing in front of Man to be on his right), - ;

4          [Spot Trn to Fce]  XRIF of L trng LF,  cont. trng LF Rec L (Lady Rec R to fce ptr), Sd R end in Bfly, - ; 

5  -  8   HAND  TO  HAND  THRU  to  AIDA;;   HIP  RKS  to  FCE;   UNDERARM  TRN  to  CP;

5          [Hand to Hand] Sd & Bk L releasing lead hnds trng LF, Rec R trng RF to fce ptr, Sd L to Bfly, - ;

6          [Thru to Aida] Thru R between ptr trng RF, Sd L cont. trng RF releasing trailing hnds, Bk R ending in a “V” back-to-back pos fcg RLOD extending trailing hnds, - ;

7          [Hip Rocks to Fce]  Rk Sd L rolling hip side & back, Rk Sd R rolling hip side & back, Swivel LF ½ on L to fce ptr pointing trailing ft towards RLOD, - ;

8          [Underarm Trn to CP] Raising lead arms releasing trailing hnds Bk R (Lady XLIF under joined lead hnds trng ½ RF), Rec L (Lady Rec R cont RF trn to fce ptr), Sd R, - ending in CP fcg Wall;

9 - 12   CIRCULAR  HIP  TWIST;;;   THRU  SD  CL;

9 - 11  [Circular hip Twist] Fwd L trng upper body RF to lead Lady swivel RF, Rec R leading Lady swivel LF, XLIB of R toe to heel, - (Lady swiveling RF on L Bk R twd COH, Rec L comm. Trng LF, Sd & Fwd R, -) end in “V” shape CP; Sd & Bk R trng LF leading Lady swivel RF, XLIB of R leading Lady swivel LF, Sd & Bk R trng LF leading Lady swivel RF, - (Lady swiveling RF on R Fwd L, swiveling LF on L Fwd R, swiveling RF on R Fwd L, -); XLIB of R leading Lady swivel LF, Sd & Bk R trng LF leading Lady swivel RF, Cl L, - (Lady swiveling LF on L Fwd R, swiveling Rf on R Fwd L, swiveling LF on L Fwd R, - ) end in “V” shape CP Man fcg Wall (Lady fcg DLC);

             Note: This figure consists of 9 steps over 3 measures continually turning around same spot completing 1 full turn.

  12        [Thru Sd Cl] Thru R between ptr, Sd L, Cl R, - ending in Handshake (right hnds) first time thru and in Bfly second time thru;




1                    [In Bfly Shoulder to Shoulder] Rk Fwd L to Bfly SCAR, Rec R to fce ptr, Sd L, - ;

2                    [Shoulder to Shoulder] Rk Fwd R to Bfly BJO, Rec L to fce ptr, Sd R, - ;

3                    [Fwd Swivel Ronde Lady Develope] Fwd L towards DRW, Swivel on L ft while moving R in an arc ccw

S S           on the floor toward DLW (Lady Swivel on Right), Hold Bfly pos (Lady bring L ft up R leg to outside of R knee, extend Lft Fwd         pointing toe), - ;

4          [Fwd Chasse to LOD] Fwd & Thru R (Lady Bk L), Sd L/CL R (Lady Sd R/Cl L trng RF to fce), Sd L

 QQ& S    toward LOD,  - ;

     5         [Thru to Aida & Extend] Thru R between ptr trng RF, Sd L cont. trng RF releasing trailing hnds, Bk R ending in a “V” back-to-back pos fcg RLOD extending trailing hnds, - ;